Our interactive platform is affordable and easy to use.
Surveys reveal that prospects and families are more likely to choose communities and rate them higher when they offer music programs like Sage Stream.

Saves Time. Save Money.
Activity professionals turn over every 6-24 months. Inconsistent programming leads to dissatisfaction and poorer care. We provide 8 shows LIVE per month, plus an archive and rebroadcasts for less than the price of one entertainer.
Let Sage Stream Do the Planning for Consistent and Positive Activities.
Affordable and Easy to Set Up
A simple user name and password is all you need to access the platform. Watch on any device. While some may not participate in a group setting, we make it easy to watch in the room with an alternate stream that requires no sign in.
Let Sage Stream complement existing programs. Have us in your back pocket if entertainers cancel, for hard to fill activity slots, or when health scares emerge.
Global Artists, Interactive
With over 120 artists in all genres of music, our artists have supported superstars in major venues. And when you watch live, they take your requests and shout out loved ones. Explore our artists, follow those you like!