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After you subscribe, you will create a log-in and password. Go to the account tab at the very top of the home page and sign in. On your account, you will be able to follow artists and be notified when their next streams are available. The two most important things to pay attention to are the calendar and live stream tabs. Make note of the shows you want and add them to your calendar. When a show is live it will stream on the live stream tab and you can participate via chat. No need to sign up. If the artist has any additional materials to provide or download, they will be available on the event page.
On the artist tab, you can find artists in many categories. If someone interests you, click the follow button. That artist will appear in your profile and any upcoming shows will appear as well.
Use the chat function to comunicate with us. We also have a phone number that you can text if chat is unavailable. We always want to know who’s watching and where you are from. Send us any shout-outs we need to make like birthdays. If you want to notify us in advance, we can make sure we have you first in line! Send us an email.
These things happen because it’s live. If it is on our end, and the stream goes down, settle in and we will be up and running in minutes. If it is on your end and you can’t figure it out, contact us using the contact form.
If you are on a month to month plan, cancel at any time. You will be billed for the entire month that you are in regardless of the day cancelled. If you are on a yearly plan, you can only cancel as your subscription comes up for renewal. Since all subscriptions are set to auto-renew, simply turn off auto-renew before the new month or the new year begins.
Sage Stream is growing and learning. These FAQ’s and support information will expand over time and be guided by the questions and issues you submit to us.
We archive all non-musical performances (it’s a licensing thing) so any roster member who does not utilize copyrighted music will have shows available on demand. You can find them in the archive and also on your favorite artist’s page.